Become part of the Reusable Revolution!

When lots of people come together, eat and drink together – and use disposable products, an enormous amount of waste is produced. We can change that! Our video campaign shows in three clips how reusable products can work at events – for inspiration, implementation and dissemination.
Let’s take advantage of events!

Are you looking for tried-and-tested reusable solutions – and want to convince your stakeholders?
Do you want to inspire and encourage your audience to use reusables in their everyday lives?

Then you need our clips on the Reusable Revolution – Reusables at events: They provide clear information on environmental pollution and the associated costs as well as valuable ideas and measures for switching to reusable packaging.

Representatives from politics, tourism and the event industry share their perspectives and show why the switch to reusable is crucial now.

Discover the clips – make reusables visible!

Whether on screens at events, team events or in public spaces – our clips help to raise awareness of reusable packaging. Just like our motto: Machen ist wie wollen – nur kasser, which means that doing is simply more powerful than wanting. For free use of the clips, please contact Anne-Kathrin Bohn. Anne-Kathrin Bohn.

Use your voice – become part of the Reusable Revolution!

Clip 01 2:05min l 16:9 und 9:16 l

English and German

Why is disposable packaging a problem? What kind of waste do we encounter at events and why do disposable items seem practical but are so harmful to the environment?

Clip 02 3:08 min l 16:9 und 9:16 l

English and German

We show why reusable tableware has a better eco-balance and what role events can play as role models for sustainable action. Find out how reusables can become the new norm!

Clip 03 1:52 min l 16:9 und 9:16 l

English and German

(How) Can reusable packaging really work at events?

We provide insights into success and the reactions of visitors. And we take a look at a world with less waste.

Idea and concept
Green Events Hamburg as part of the project Change(K)now! | Video production: Thomas Stein

Change(K)now! project is co-funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region. The project´s main objective is a mindset change from single-use to circular or multiple-use of food delivery systems in cities and residents of the Baltic Sea Region.


Change (K)now! Logo

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